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Wedding Wednesday: The Bridal Box

In January 2018 my teenage sweetheart and first love proposed to me while we were re-creating our first ever holiday together in Rome. 🥰 Before I knew it, I was launched in to the world of weddings - a world I actually didn't even knew existed until I became part of the bride-to-be club.

My best friend was also engaged at the time, so still being on the engagement high, we attended wedding show in the RDS in Dublin. This is the biggest wedding fair of the year, with hundreds of different vendors and stalls. While I found amazing venues, stunning invites,  top makeup tips and even singing waiters- one thing that really struck me, was the lack of focus on any health supplements. There was only 1 stand (out of 300+) that was focusing on health... if you could even really call it that; A nine day liquid ‘cleanse‘ is not my idea of nutrition!

Women spend a fortune on the perfect dress, the hair and makeup and for a lot of brides, a gym membership or personal training sessions, not to mention skincare & facials. While all of this goes towards us looking like a million dollars on our big day- what about feeling amazing on the INSIDE too? Isn‘t this just as important?

Combine this revelation with my experience in the clinic and The Bridal Box was born. I designed the box taking into consideration everything that I had seen with my brides over my 4 years in business - sleepless nights, digestive issues, wedding nerves, inconvenient colds, breakouts, and mouth ulcers… i.e. some of the annoying things that I have seen take down stressed brides in the run up to D day (or should I say 'W' day!). I was also fed up of seeing people spend a fortune on over priced supplements too.


I designed the box to focus on two sections. The 'glow' section which is a 8 week programme of supplements to target digestion, skin, hair and hormones. Followed by the 'Calm' section which is a 4 week supply of supplements to target mood, energy, sleep, stress and immune health in the run up to the wedding (you have no idea how many brides I have seen suffering with mouth ulcers or chest infections 10 days before they get married).

Glow; Probiotics, omega 3 fish oils, lysine, smoothie powder

Calm; B vitamins, vitamin c, lavender oil, herbal tea

My main goal with ALL of my clients I see in the clinic is education - if you leave my consultation not knowing why you are eating a certain food or taking a supplement, then I didn't achieve what I set out to do i.e. educate people! I wanted this to reflect with the Bridal Box too and so I wrote 'The Bridal Nutrition Bible' - a 25 page booklet to give you a full breakdown on the supplements in the box and how they work in your body. It also includes recipes and some tips and tricks that I’ve learned along the way. (If you live in Ireland, you will remember the crazy snow in March 2018 - this snowstorm was when the Bridal Nutrition Bible was written!)

The most common question that I have received since I launched the box is ‘when should I start on it'?. The Bridal Box is a 3 month programme - so it’s perfect the 12 weeks before your wedding. However, I would generally recommend giving at least 12 weeks to see changes on areas like digestion, hormones and skin. The goal is to improve health long term and not just for one day, so starting on it sooner will only benefit you.

I am honestly, so proud of my Bridal Box baby! I will be getting married in May 2020 and these are the things I will be doing myself in the run up to my own wedding. Of course, I’m not saying that everyone HAS to take supplements and do these things before their wedding but if you feel like you need a little pick me up or feel like you always get sick at the worst times or maybe you just want your hair and skin to be a little ‘glowier’, then definitely think about trying The Bridal Box! ❤️



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