
Low Sex Drive, Energy + Mood? Why The Pill Might Be The Cause.
If you are on the Pill, the Patch or the Ring, this post is for you! (although all hormonal contraceptives would be the same just my...
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Did You Know There Is Only 6 Days of the Month That You Can Get Pregnant?
Yes you heard that correctly - we can only get pregnant for 6 days if our WHOLE cycle! Why this was not drilled in to us when we were...

Birth Control: Do You Know How Yours Works?
Do you know how your birth control works? Does it stop ovulation? Does it thin the uterine lining + change mucus so you don’t any any...

Why Having A Monthly Period is Important
Over the past few months I have seen more and more women come in to me who are trying to bring their natural cycle back. Remember that...